Common Moves
By Sonya Lindfors, 
section happening i Itäkeskus choreographed by me

 Picture by Sonja Hyytiäinen

 Common moves is a new collaborative artwork, a ‘social choreography’ or ‘choreography of the community’. The work operates as a speculative site. Through the act of occupying public space and applying simple scores and choreographies, it questions our conception of what is held to be ‘in common’, whether social norms or habits, whether something shared, public, or regularly occurring, whether something that is not underrepresented or marginalized, or whether something that does not stop the flow, that belongs. The work softly resists the current by changing and moving what is ‘common’.

The work is realized in collaboration with BIPOC artists and volunteers in Helsinki and is thus rooted in local conversations and urgencies. common moves takes place in several sites around central Helsinki.

The work was performed in Helsinki between 29 July and 13 August in several public spaces. 



 Picture: Jonathan Morell

Blomdanser (Kukkatanssit) is an interactive performance for 3-7 year old children. All of the flowers have lost their colors and therefore their superpowers. Luckily Ama can communicate with Mother Nature through her dance. Together with Mother Natures guidance and the help from the children we get a chance to help the flowers to gain their colors and superpowers back. The performance can be shown in Swedish or English

Choreografer: Ama Kyei
Dancer: Rebecca Livaniou or Ama Kyei
Creative assistens: Fredrika Burvall, Love Andersson, Marika Peura, Mona Namer, Selma Fikerte, Kirsi Hemanus
Financed: Konstnärsnämnden and Region Stockholm



 Picture: Ying Chouhan


is about adapting the white room to us. It's about taking over the room, filling it. It's about being there for each other, backing each other, strengthening each other. It's about our siblings. ሙሉ kokonainen تمامی is not an explanation, it is not a display of our traumas, it is an experience that is for us.

Choreographed and danced by: Afra Hosseini, Judith Tena, Aida Tervo, Ama Kyei
Financed by: Konstnärsnämnden

Vita Strumpor

 Picture: Sara Celaya

 Picture: Afra Hosseini

Vita Strumpor is an interactive show for children aged 4-7.

Vita Strumpor is an interactive show for children aged 4-7 years. The dance game Vita Strumpor has been the world around and met a lot of children. But unfortunately Vita Strumpor has to fall asleep after every game, and then it forgets al the children it has met. To awaken its memory the audience and the dancer gets to play a game with it. This task takes the audience and the dancer on an adventure where the game makes the participants move, memorize a dance & song rhyme, and put together different letters different words. The performance is interactive. We work in the borderland of a performance, dance session and concert.

Choreography and Concept: Ama Kyei
Dance: Ama Kyei
Music and co-work: Sara Celaya, Fredrika Burvall
Financing: Botkyrka Kreativa Fonden, Kulturådet

እህቴMun siskoخواهر من


 Picture: Ahmed Ali

እህቴMun siskoخواهر من, is about healing, It is about preparing, creating strategies for coping with minority stress. It is about sharing experiences . It's about being there for each other, backing each other. It's about our sisterhood. The piece had its premier at Site in September 2020.

Choreogaphy and dance by: Afra Hosseini, Aida Tervo, Judith Tena and Ama Kyei
Financed by Kulturnämden

say my name, (say my name), Say my name (say my name)(2019)

 Picture: Love Andersson and Afra Hosseini

Say my name (say my name)
Say my name (say my name) was a performance based on the frustration of studying at The university of dance and circus in Stockholm and discovering the exclusion of people of color, both in the institution and in the Swedish dance performance field in general. This piece was created in 2019 as a part of our studies.

Coreography and dance: Afra Hosseini, Love Andersson and Karin Raudsepp, Ama Kyei
Mentorship: Linda Adami, BamBam Frost